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Kimbrel Management Consulting

A premier consulting agency helping organizations create thriving work cultures and environments.  


Our Services

KMC uses a dynamic research-based approach to deliver real results around people and leadership development in the workplace. We focus on awareness, analytics and systemic interventions to enrich mindsets and improve policies and procedures. KMC offers a variety of services to meet the unique needs of each of our customers.

Strategic Organizational Planning and Design

People, Climate and Culture Analyses

Communication, Awareness and Educational Planning

Coaching, Compliance and Conflict Management

Women Holding Hands

Please sign up to join our Leadership and DEI coaching community launching February 2024!

The introductory rate of $59.99 monthly includes:

A monthly insights and market trends report
1-hour group coaching
1-group problem solving session

Thanks for submitting!


Creating solutions to meet the diverse needs of employees can be the driving force within any organization. When there is intentionality around fostering work environments where everyone can thrive, companies increase their ability to perform at a 30% higher rate. Additionally, employees are able to build more authentic relationships, be more innovative and increase overall production. Wellness increases when employees feel they can bring their full selves to the work environment. A lens on DE&I in every facet of an organization also allows for increased customer experiences. 

People are the Solution

How can my company be more intentional about creating a culture where everyone thrives?

Book An Appointment With Us

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